militarism|militarisms in English



policy emphasizing increase of military strength and power; control of government by a military powe

Use "militarism|militarisms" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "militarism|militarisms" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "militarism|militarisms", or refer to the context using the word "militarism|militarisms" in the English Dictionary.

1. Fuck you, damn Japanese Militarism! The fucking Japanese Militarism is the real terrorism!

2. Militarism breeds in armies.

3. There were also remnants of militarism.

4. Internationally Reagan attracted odium for his militarism.

5. He had accused them of deliberately reviving militarism.

6. A spectre of Japanese militarism is haunting Asia.

7. Besides, I could see a growing militarism all around.

8. The militarism of some countries extends into daily life.

9. BOOK: Crouching Tiger: What China’s Militarism Means for the World

10. Where were the forces which could be rallied against fascism and militarism?

11. Yamagata Aritomo can be seen as the father of Japanese militarism.

12. Many people were critical of the resurgent militarism in the country.

13. The country slipped into a dangerous mixture of nation-alism and militarism.

14. Prewar fanaticism of Japanese militarism had become centralized embodiment of rightwing though.

15. As Japan took the route of militarism , its culture began to retrogress the writers degenerated.

16. Militarism Fourth, the Western post-war build-up of defence is partially justified in the above terms.

17. Some Jewish historians suggest a different explanation for the rabbinic reluctance to laud the militarism.

18. THE OUTLINE OF HISTORY: BEING A PLAIN HISTORY OF LIFE AND MANKIND HERBERT GEORGE WELLS We are asked, however, to believe that French militarism is maintained by a "democracy" and German militarism by an "Autocracy."

19. Heed the Cornerman's Cry News at Home tags: poverty, racism, militarism, Kerner Commission, Social Policy Great Society

20. The visits of Junichiro Koizumi to the shrine means the return of Japan to national militarism.

21. It is the detail and vigor of the Japanese modernization and the source of fascistic militarism.

22. They hoped that the very talk of a general strike would act as a restraining influence on militarism.

23. 15 The theological stage he associated with militarism, the metaphysical with juristic thought, and the positive stage with industrialism.

24. The theological stage he associated with militarism, the metaphysical with juristic thought, and the positive stage with industrialism.

25. The demise of the Soviet Union a decade and a half later ended the threat of Soviet militarism.